In response to recent fast-moving events, the Salvagene Group has set up a SARS-CoV-2 Task Force on January 20, 2020. This is to ensure that Salvagene clients receive the best possible service during the current crisis.

The Task Force consists of representatives from the various departments here at the Salvagene Group – researchers, in-house virologists, chemists, biochemists and geneticists. It also draws on expertise from outside the Group, namely from scientists at research institutes in seven different countries. The aim is to combine and collate all information on Covid-19/SARS-CoV-2 derived from our own research with information available from external sources.

Supported by our in-house artificial intelligence system, the Salvagene A.I. Program (S.A.I.P. for short), customized information relevant to SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19 will be made available to our clients in order to deliver maximum benefit. The external agencies from which we are sourcing additional information include:

The World Health Organization (WHO)

The Robert Koch Institute in Berlin

The Paul Ehrlich Institute in Langen

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Washington

Boston Medical School

ETH Zurich

AKH Vienna

The Charité University Hospital in Berlin

The Sorbonne University in Paris

The Shanghai University of Medicine & Health Sciences

The Weizmann Institute in Tel Aviv

and various others

Are you prepared for your personal battle?

Please ensure that any information you seek out for yourself comes only from the official websites of official research institutes or from official government websites to minimize the spread of fake news. Are you prepared for your personal battle? To find out more about this ongoing issue, follow our pandemic News.